Thursday, June 26, 2014

Crohn's Disease and Arbonne Testimony.

" It was at this time that I started becoming familiar with Arbonne’s Healthy Living program. I decided to try the program out. Immediately with the addition of the digestion plus and protein shakes I noticed a difference. I made some changes to my diet, trying to limit gluten, sugar, dairy and soy, and I started feeling better. At my next round of tests things were looking better; my inflammation was down and my Crohn’s symptoms were decreasing. I decided that I was going to dive deeper into the Arbonne program and commit to detoxing and cleansing my body. I went gluten free, refined sugar free, dairy free, GMO free, soy free. I continued to use the protein shakes and digestion plus, but I also added the women’s daily vitamin packs, omega 3’s (for colon health), b12 spray, detox tea (to support my liver and kidneys), 7-day cleanse and Proleif Progesterone Cream.
My Arbonne Testimony:
In December of this past year my doctors were convinced that there was no way I could be doing well because of what they had seen on my CAT scans, MREs and colonoscopy over the past year and a half. They were pressing more drugs, and I said no. I told them to prove to me that I needed it and that I wasn’t in remission. I felt great! Better than I had in a LONG time, maybe ever. They ordered bloodwork and to their surprise it came back normal, but they still believed that I would be better off if I took more meds. Again, I said no. I was now 6 months into my new lifestyle using Arbonne supplements and the healthy living program. I was still gluten, soy, dairy, GMO, and refined sugar free, and I was about to start the 30 day detox program again in January. I was frustrated, but I was also hopeful that my upcoming colonoscopy would prove my doctors wrong with concrete scientific evidence that I was healthy and in remission. Well, one week after completing the 30 day detox I had my colonoscopy. Before going back for my procedure my doctor spoke to me and again pleaded her case for increasing my meds, however she acquiesced to my request to wait for the colonoscopy results. I was asleep when my doctor came in to talk to my husband about my colonoscopy, but he was so excited to tell me what she had said as soon as I woke up.
“…there is NO EVIDENCE of ACTIVE DISEASE or INFLAMMATION. Her colon looks NORMAL and HEALTHY and I am shocked at this, especially for her… Tell her to continue doing what she is doing. I am NOT going to increase any meds…”
Praise the Lord!!! I give Him the glory because I know that He brought me to where I am today. And, from the bottom of my heart I thank Arbonne for developing such AMAZING and LIFE-CHANGING products that have gotten me to where I am today. Since my diagnosis I have unknowingly kept my body in an acidic and inflamed state, eating the wrong foods and being afraid of all of the right ones. With help from Arbonne I no longer starve my body of the essential nutrients that I need to not only keep me healthy and active, but to treat my disease as well.
If you or someone you know is battling illness and disease I encourage you to take a peek at the Arbonne program. You too can feel better and change your life.
Many people ask me what I use, so here is my list:
Women’s Power Packs – Vitamins
B12 Spray
Omega 3’s
Calcium Plus
Digestion Plus
Chocolate and Vanilla Protein Shakes
Fiber Boost
Detox Tea
Prolief (probably the reason I felt so good pregnant was because of the boost of progesterone that my body made. Prolief made such a difference with my disease. Progesterone relaxes smooth muscles and spasms as well as acts as an anti-inflammatory)

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